The name This is Badland comes with a dose of humor, irony and certain provocation that echoes the magazine’s ethos; deconstructing, renegotiating and reinventing social, cultural and geographical phenomena connected to the Balkans as a way of opening up new paths of contemporary perspectives. A mindset that is inspired by the rising generation of creative talent included in this issue; Teyosh, Milos Trakilovic, Andrea Tesanovic, Andra Dumitrascu, Ana Kras and Tobias Putrih. Turning our eyes to material culture, we also revisit Yugoslav modernism and unearth 80s pop visuals with Boris Vidakovic and Eurovicious. While the rich history of occultist traditions and rituals in Bosnia gets analyzed through the artistic strategies of Emir Sehanovic. With special focus on THE ADRIATIC REIMAGINED we disrupt the stereotypical Mediterranean fantasies with Hana Jusic, Ino Zeljak, Flaka Haliti, Dexter Lander & Rottingdean Bazaar, Bruna Kazinoti and Mia Petricevic.